Vehicle restraint systems made of steel
Vehicle restraint systems made of steel

Saferoad develops, produces and installs passive vehicle restraint systems, also known colloquially as crash barriers or guard rails. Our protective devices for roads, highways, bridges and other traffic routes prevent a vehicle from leaving the road and protect the occupants from a vehicle impact. Our products therefore make an important contribution to road safety.

We rely on steel for our crash barriers. This material is extremely resistant and retains the most important property that vehicle restraint systems must have over a long period of time: Elasticity. The life-saving function of behaving like a crumple zone or yielding in the event of an impact can only be provided by a steel construction.

Steel safety barriers are also easy to install, have a long service life and can be completely removed for replacement or dismantling with little effort. Steel is also 100% recyclable.

More information on why steel crash barriers are the better solution can be found on the page: