The project comprises the expansion of the A26 west of the Elbe from Stade to the connection to the existing A7/A1 highway network in the Hamburg area. It is part of a traffic route plan to connect the A20 and is intended to relieve congestion at the Hamburg-Elbe tunnel junction on the north/south axis (Scandinavia/South Europe) by tunneling under the Elbe.
The now completed section with a total length of approx. 13 km stretches from the Jork junction to the new Neu Wulmstorf junction.
This section of highway through the so-called "Alte Land" near Hamburg presented the construction companies carrying out the work with major challenges due to the special soil conditions. Over a period of several years, enormous load-bearing embankments had to be constructed in order to achieve the necessary settlement of the subsoil of several meters.
In total, over 15 km of Super-Rail Eco, 16 km of Eco-Safe and various CrashGuards were installed.

15 km – Super-Rail Eco

16 km – Eco-Safe